Sunday, June 17, 2012

Finding a Wondering the Ahh Ha! Moment

This week in my Teacher Research class I learned the following in our minds there is always a "I wonder?.... I think...?,"and " What it...? There are nine passions in education that an administrator should put their focus on This is called Finding Your Wondering

  1. Staff Development
  2. Curriculum Development
  3. Individual Teacher(s)
  4. Individual Student (s)
  5. Community/Culture Building
  6. Leadership Skills
  7. Management
  8. School Performance
  9. Social Justice
One of our assignments were to provide at least one example of action research in each of the nine areas and describe why this might be an important area for action research in school. This exercise gave me a great deal of insight on each topic discussed in the text. I wasn't aware of the complexity of a principals job until I began my class on research. After reading the different scenarios in each of the nine passions it has helped me develop my own topics for my Action Research Plan.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Powers of Educational Blogging

Blogging is an excellent way to get your ideas out there and heard by others. It's not limited to just your circle of friends but to a broader audience. I think it is a a great way to comminicate with others in your profession allowing you to brainstorm,problem solve, and find solutions together. This method of comminication can provide you with that hmm " I didn't think about that"or "That's a very good point" moment.

Action Research... What is it to me?

When I began this topic of study I was unclear what "Action Research was. After reading the assigned text from Nancy Fichtman Dana Leading with Passion and Knowledge I gained a greater knowledge of what it was and how to apply it.

Action Research begins with an administrators inquiry or usually refers to research designated to bring about change of some kind. Research ofter has the target of examining administrative practices to cultivate better understanding of what works. This method provide principals with meaningful ways to grow in their profession.

I have learned that when an administrator take part in Action Research they come out of isolation. When an administrator teams up with other administrator or even teachers on their campus it opens up more ideas and solutions to problems. The administrator ends up becoming a better role model for his/her teachers and students. Lastly the engagement in this process can help best practices to flourish at your school.

 Campus administrator's role is so demanding and requires them to respond to different entities such as stakeholders, parents, teachers, staff and students. Engagement in the Action Research process allows them to focus attention to one issue, problem or dilemma it helps them to become proactive rather than reactive. Inquires and research allows time to sit, reflect on one topic and put an action into play.